On Friday, 12th May, around 150 players, presidents from other clubs, current and former rugby administrative officials, and Blackrock College RFC supporters got dressed up and headed to Stradbrook for a delicious meal, and to celebrate the club's brilliant 2022-23 season.
There was much to celebrate, including the Women's undefeated season and AIL win in December, and the Men's senior team's promotional final win on the 6th.
Toasts were given by President John Colclough, Vice President Paul Flavin, and Senior Vice President of the Irish Rugby Football Union, Greg Barrett. Leinster President Debbie Carty, Minister Jennifer Carroll MacNeill, and husband Hugo MacNeill were also in attendance to lend their support. Hugo MacNeill, who played for Ireland, Leinster, the French Barbarians and the British and Irish Lions, also played for Blackrock College when he attended as a student. The Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Michael Jackson.
Below are some snapshots from the night, taken by Patrick Dowling at Rock Photography.